In which are collected a few random ideas and articles about DITA, DITA-OT, and possibly related subjects.
content reference mechanism on an
element with required children, you still have to put in the required children. This is a pain, and
nobody likes it. This rule is a combination of DITA's reuse design with basic XML rules, but it's
not intuitive, and everyone is confused the first time they run into it. If you forget to do
add those children, you get parser errors, build errors, and more. Which leads you to either shake
your fist at DITA in general, or to find the closest DITA tools developer and start
discussion January 3, 2017@domains
attribute. It's very technical. If you're reading this, you probably shouldn't be. If you want
something technical and/or DTD related, go read my
instead - it's at least supposed to be easy to read.